Located near Benton, Kentucky,, with apiaries in Marshall, Calloway and McCracken counties, we are a Honey Bee farm with a focus on bee production. We sell bees; Nucs and queens. We do sell honey, honey products and bees wax but very much enjoy making bees.

Unlike most operations that sell excess bees only in early spring, then move on, We sell Nucs throughout the season. (For best result however, start early) Our bees are local and stay local. We produce all of our bees and queens, selecting for gentle, productive stock. We also control the drone population in our mating yard to ensure proper mating throughout or production schedule. We do not buy and resell bees.

I hate wearing protective gear. It is hot here. I want to work my bees in shorts and a tee shirt. If they don’t play nice, they get re-queened. I want everyone to have a pleasant experience when working bees so we do our best to make that happen.